Mark has served as a police officer for over 35 years. He has served as a unit member and the commander of the Gang Enforcement Mobile Unit, Field Training Unit, Emergency Response Team, ILEAS Mobile Field Force (Crowd Control), Assistant Director of Homeland Security Response Team (SPD), Illinois Emergency Response Team Operations Officer, and Director of the Springfield Police Academy. Marks teaching experience includes several years teaching at Lincoln Land Community College as an Adjunct Instructor in Introduction to Criminal Justice, Introduction to Law Enforcement, Introduction to Criminology, and Introduction to Corrections.
Mark was named the Springfield Police Department Use of Force Expert and has consulted and testified in legal cases as a person with expert knowledge. He is a staff instructor at PPCT teaching Tactical Firearms, Defensive Tactics, Spontaneous Knife, Ground Avoidance and Ground Escape, and Close Quarter Battle. He is also certified as Firearms and Ethics Instructor.
One of Marks highlights was being certified as an Advanced Hostage Rescue Instructor from famed Seal Team Six founder Richard Marcinko.
Mark has an Associates Degree in Law Enforcement Administration from Lincoln Land Community College, a Bachelor Degree in Criminal Justice, and Masters Degree in Law Enforcement Administration from Western Illinois University. He is a graduate of the FBI National Academy, Northwestern School of Police Staff and Command, and the Western Illinois Staff and Command.
Dan Gonska brings Special Operations Forces (SOF) Tier 1 experience to Bravo's top notch Intermediate and Advanced Instructor training programs. By the grace of God, Dan retired with distinction and is enjoying more time with his wonderful wife and kids!
Of Dan’s 20 years in the Navy, he spent 18 years as SEAL and 10 years as a member of Naval Special Warfare Development Group. He deployed in support of Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom. He conducted mission sets consisting of personal protection of government dignitaries and combat missions in the highly kinetic environments of Iraq and Afghanistan. Dan was also involved in contingency operations across the globe combatting terrorism and ensuring the safety of all Americans. Serving as a Free Fall Jump Master for Combat Parachute Operations, Dan focused heavily on Methods of Entry known as breaching. His experience covers a host of targets and techniques. Targets: hardened military sites, commercial / industrial / residential buildings, vehicles / marine craft. Techniques: electronic / technical security system bypass/defeat, and the more overt entry methods utilizing manual tools, shotguns, explosives, and stand-off weapons.
As Range Safety Officer, Dan successfully ran ranges for rockets, live-fire dynamic vehicle and dismounted movements, and explosive breaching on vessels/land. Overseas he planned, coordinated, and executed training for Filipino, Afghani and key European allies’ SOF units. His experience levels vary from small-unit tactics to multi-national exercises.
Dan is committed to being a life-long learner and always improving his instructing, tactical, shooting, and inter-personal skills in order to optimally enable those continuing the fight against evil at all levels.
Jake has been in public safety in Indiana since 2011. He started his public safety career as a volunteer Fire Fighter in 2011 and started his law enforcement career in 2013. During his early years in law enforcement, he served as a Reserve Patrolman with the Jasonville Police Department in Greene County, Indiana. While the Reserve Patrolman is a volunteer position, Jake annually devoted nearly the same hours as a full-time officer. Jake is a 2-time recipient of the Exceptional Service Award from the City of Jasonville.
In 2016 Jake became a career Fire Fighter with the Linton Fire Department where he became a Nationally Certified EMT. The department ran a full-time BLS transport ambulance. Jake is also an Indiana Board Certified Medicolegal Death Investigator and has been with the Greene County Coroner’s Office since 2018.
In August of 2022, Jake became the Chief of Police for Worthington, Indiana. Since taking that position, he has pushed to strengthen the interdepartmental working relationships and training within Greene County and strives to provide Law Enforcement Officers with real world training that they can utilize on the street. Jake is an ILEA Certified Instructor and teaches our firearms, medical and law enforcement CQB courses.
Brett Allan has a career path that has developed his passion for training including: Close Protection/Executive Protection, Critical Infrastructure Security and Law Enforcement. During this time he held many positions including as a interdepartmental agency instructor teaching tactical handgun, patrol carbine, defensive tactics, spontaneous knife defense, chemical defense, and close protection operations. Currently working as a Firearms Instructor / Instructor-Trainer and sworn police officer.
Brett has a Associate Degree in Criminal Justice from SchoolCraft College, a Bachelor and Masters Degree in Business from IWU Devoe School of Business and holds certification as a Certified Protection Officer from the International Foundation for Protection Officers.
Over his continuing career, Brett has participated in instructor training, and adjunct instructor with numerous training organizations such as: